Monday, December 30, 2019
The Social Justice Issue Of Globalization - 839 Words
This paper, discusses the social justice issue of globalization, which it stems out to many other issues like inequality in wealth, poverty, unjust wages, and bad practices in policies. First, we must define globalization. Defined as the significant effects of an international economy. It includes economies like communism and capitalism. Moving away from communistic economies and building more into capitalistic economy. Capitalism the economy of America and therefore at the center of international economy as important and key role in globalization. Globalization, a concept to easily confused without the role of technology. The role of technology, international economy, and institutions shapes globalization. However, the question at the†¦show more content†¦The option of internet simply limited by prevailing social structures and the worth or value society has for it. In this way technology is never neutral; it promotes certain institutions over others. For example, technolog y promotes governments whose interests are not the people but how the role of the internet can benefit themselves. Technology, the physical and organizational enabler; without appropriate technology, there would be no globalisation because through technology we extend social control across the dimensions of space and time. It plays an important role in modern society that impact many things. Most observers argue that technology, a force for integration, makes the world a smaller, better place. However, some may argue it distances people in different parts of the world away, both economically and politically. Important to remember that technology is not an object, it is always a means to an end (Rybczynski 1983, 213). The message here, remember this and use it wisely instead of for personal foolish reasons. Likewise, people choose globalization, not imposed, like some deus ex machina. First, we must distinguish between intensive and extensive types of globalisation. Under this intensive globalization, the role driven by markets, technology and enterprise. Market the economic side and enterprise the political/governmental side. Intensive is more about the key roles of
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Principles Qualities Of A Good Teacher - 1436 Words
In contrast, the type of inquire based approach that is taught in some of the SKE lessons at University of Sussex allows the student to understand why a method works and encourage a comprehension of the mechanics behind the steps taken to solve a problem. Personally, I have noticed that as I gain confidence in my mathematical ability, these sessions become more enjoyable. Still, to achieve confidence and be able to follow these lessons, I need to familiarize myself with a method beforehand. For me this is most effectively achieved by solving series of example problems by a given sequence of steps before embarking on a journey of understanding the reasoning behind each step. These inquiry-based lessons, therefore, are most valuable when preceded by lessons with more direct instructions and teacher led demonstrations. Thus, this supports my vision that since all students have their own preferred method for learning, even if they are not aware of it, the ability to explain a topic in a number of different ways is one of the principle qualities of a good teacher. Interestingly, as part of the SKE course I was given the opportunity to spend some time in a college, observing and assisting in lessons to students that needed to retake their GSCE exams. The main method of teaching in these classes was purely instrumental, with the goal to equip the students with the knowledge to pass their GSCE exams but without any deeper understanding of the methods. No emphasis was put onShow MoreRelatedHoward Gardner s Theory Of Multiple Intelligences887 Words  | 4 Pagesare not one linear scale. They are both complex. 1. What is the biggest indicator of instructional quality within the classroom? Students are able to perform tasks that are related to the class’s standards. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Understanding Job Analysis Free Essays
Web Exercise: Understanding Job Analysis Week 3 Human Resources Management Professor Lawrence R. A. Prosper March 23, 2013 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding Job Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now How easy was it to find the specific occupation you were looking for, and how comprehensive was the information provided about that occupation? I was immediately impressed by the O*NET Resource Center after opening the site. The design was smart and the site was easy to navigate despite the many choices available to explore. This is a great example of what a Government agency working with the business community and the actual workers from each occupation can accomplish. A wealth of useful information is presented to the public at no cost in an easy to use format. I was quickly able to locate information that was specific to my chosen occupation. My current job title is Special Projects Manager which is a hybrid description. My primary duties are to initiate the acquisition of production machinery and when needed, additional building space to install the equipment; that is the Project Manager role. I also ideate and participate in projects related to safety, facilities management and production flows which justifies the Special Projects designation. I selected Project Manager in my search and was directed to the page for Architectural Engineering Managers which gave a brief description of similar titles (Project Engineer, Project Engineering Manager), what these managers do, and what they would be expected to do on the job. The last item listed some on the job duties as to direct, review, or approve project design changes and to confer with management, production, or marketing staff to discuss project specifications or procedures: basically , my assigned duties. Following the link to Advanced Manufacturing, I was able to see examples of descriptive information about specific jobs. This page had a graphic of a sample career Ladder/Lattice for Advanced Manufacturing which was very similar to my actual career path. The job titles were a bit different but did show a familiar progression from helper, to operator, to production supervisor, to engineering/production manager. This was my path to my current position but I made it here without a college degree, a feat that would be impossible in this company today. I maneuvered to the Engineering Manager page and found more job specific information. A good amount of detail was devoted to the Job Description and some mention of the required education, workforce preparation, work experience, licensure/certifications, salary and the employment outlook for the next 10 years. The information for this occupation was easy to read and comprehensive. As someone who is presently in this field I can say the duties and expectations presented are realistic. For a person considering pursuing a career in this area a path can be established to achieve that goal by using this resource as a guide. What did you think of the occupations O*NET suggested as matching your skills? Was the occupation you are in or preparing for among those listed? This exercise has confirmed that I have ended up in an occupation that suits my skill sets, abilities and personality. The non-scientific results earned on the Interest Profiler test were also quite representative of me as a person and the specific area scores did indicate an affinity for my chosen field. My chosen occupation is Project Manager and this was among the professions listed. I continue to prepare for this occupation by attending college to complete my degree despite having worked at my company for 29 years. A Project Manager works alone while being involved with coordinating the work of many unconnected groups simultaneously. It can be a demanding profession and may not provide satisfaction to certain personalities. The skills detailed on the O*Net are well defined and can be interpreted as needing one to be technically knowledgeable, have good people skills, and to be adaptable to changes in the scope of a project. Math skills are important in the product design and for producing the cost analyses and project justifications. I recently completed algebra and statistics which the job description notes as necessary. Character skills are described as needing attention to detail, integrity, adaptability, analytical thinking, dependability and stress tolerance. I match up well in those areas and at times tend to overdo the attention to detail. Problem solving skills are used to notice a problem and figure out the best way to solve it. This is a difficult skill to master and sometimes the logical solution is not the best choice as a solution. Finally, there are project management software tools available and learning to use them benefits the project and the teams involved in the work progression. You can also contact them to tell them your computer has died and you want to use the program on your new computer. They are the ones to reset the activation counts. Just explain what has happened. NP124865399 2. As an HR professional, how could O*NET be useful in conducting a job analysis? Explain specifically how you would use the data from this site to assist your organization. 3. As a director of human resources, would you have your staff use this site? Why or why not? How to cite Understanding Job Analysis, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Clinical Assessment free essay sample
Clinical Assessment Mr. and Mrs. Lawson brought their 4-year-old adopted daughter, Clara, to see Dr. Mason, a psychiatrist. Clara was polite in greeting Dr. Mason, but did not smile and kept her gaze down as she took a seat. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson sat next to Clara and began explaining their concerns. They described Clara as a quiet child who has recently begun throwing temper tantrums, during which she is inconsolable. Her sleep and eating patterns have changed, and she no longer wants to go to preschool. †¢Create a brief response to each of the following questions: What other information would you like to learn during the interview with the family? What questions would you ask? I would ask Clara’s teacher has mentioned if there has been a noticeable change with her in school, and if there have been reports of any other children bothering her. I would also ask if there is any possibility that there are inappropriate actions taking place involving Clara’s teacher. We will write a custom essay sample on Clinical Assessment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What are the changes in her sleeping pattern? Is she sleeping more or less? Is there something specific Clara is throwing temper tantrums over? Possible triggers? I would inquire about Clara’s age at adoption. I would want to know if she was raised at all by her biological parents or any other family members. I would inquire about Clara’s knowledge of her adoptive status. I would also ask if the family history of her biological parents is known. oIn addition to the clinical interview, what other clinical assessment tools should you consider? Why? The interviews with Clara would also involve the use of clinical assessment tools that may provide insight to the changes in her behavior. Tools that would be inappropriate for her age and cognition level are projective testing, personal and response inventories. Due to the recent onset of changes, neurological, neuropsychological and would also not be useful for her evaluation. Intelligence testing may provide insight into her preschool learning experience. Clinical observation should be used as the most clearly advantageous assessment method. oAlthough you need more information to begin treatment, what factors might you take into consideration in designing an effective intervention for this family? Factors that need to be taken into consideration in designing an effective intervention for this family would be Clara’s age, what she is throwing temper tantrums over, how often they are together as a family, if Clara is ever alone with someone suspicious. oIf you were preparing to diagnose Clara, you would refer to the DSM-IV classification system to evaluate her condition on five separate axes. What type of information would go into each axis? You are not asked to enter a diagnosis, only describe the kind of information that would be entered in each axis. oDo you think that diagnosing Clara would be beneficial or harmful? Explain why.
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