Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Analysis Of John Updike s A P - 1293 Words
John Updike is viewed by his readers as a progressive voice in his work that promotes feminist issues. He makes these issues stand out more evidently, rather than hidden, in order for the reader to realize how women are viewed in society. From reading Updike’s AP, the story sends the message to readers of genders working together to strive for equality. If readers do not carefully and actively read AP they may miss key messages about the power men hold over women, not just in society but in literature as well. Even though Updike’s AP seems to be a story about a teenager finally standing up to his boss and quitting the job he hates, the tone used reveals the hidden message on how women are in a male-oriented world. The relationship between both men are women are shown as unequals, men on the top and women always below them, Updike makes sure to open up the reader s eyes in realizing the way females are being treated unfairly. The first bathing suit girl who walks into the AP and catches Sammy’s immediately looks at the chunky girl with a two-piece plaid bathing suit on that showed off her sweet broad soft-looking can (Updike 157). Sammy goes in detail at pointing out this girl’s body features, especially her behind, those two crescents of white just under it, where the sun never seems to hit (Updike 158). If the girl knew he was looking at her so intensely how would she feel? How would you feel if that was an everyday occurrence, getting criticized by your body orShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of John Updike s A P2577 Words  | 11 Pagescome together and declare allegiance to a similar core of beliefs. And, when they do, they ask a particular set of question about a literary work. Each different way of analyzing a literary work elicits a different set of questions. AP, a short story by John Updike, would best be analyzed by using the school of New Criticism and analyzing the journey Sammy, the narrator, experiences throughout the story. The school of New Criticism believes that the work’s overall meaning depends solely on the textRead MoreAnalysis Of John Updike s A P2084 Words  | 9 Pagesallegiance to a similar core of beliefs. Once they do, they ask a particular set of questions about the literary work. Each different way of analyzing brings up different sets of questions. There are a total of seven different schools. John Updike’s short story A P, would be analyzed best using the school of New Criticism and analyzing Sammy’s experience throughout the day. New Criticism is the work’s overall meaning depending on the text in front of the reader. In high school or in freshman collegeRead MoreAnalysis Of John Updike s A P 1804 Words  | 8 Pagesit’s seemingly infallibility. Most young people feel invincible, but really it is their naivety and inability to understand the harsh concept of reality that enables this behavior. While a common theme in literature, John Updike gives the tale of youth a consumerist spin in â€Å"AP†. Updike tells the story of Sammy the cashier, who see’s himself as superior to those around him and believes he will turn out nothing like the adults he’s surrounded with. He seems to get his chance to be great when some beautifulRead MoreAnalysis Of John Updike s A P With A Strong Voice And An Eye Catching Event866 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"In walks three girls in nothing but bathing suits†.(Updike 430) John Updike immediately introduces the 1962 short story â€Å"A P†with a strong voice and an eye catching event. Updike continues the short story with partial sentences, word repetition, and tense shifts to bring excitement and life to the readers. A P is the grocery store, located in a small New England town that tells the life of a typical 19 year old boy who is maturing into adulthood.Through the eyes of the narrator the readersRead MoreA P By John Updike1190 Words  | 5 PagesA P is a story of Sammy who is a 19 year old boy working as a clerk at a grocery store in a small town in New England. Published back in 1961 narrative defining A P is the popular mythology of 1960s basically where youthful rebellion powers took over the soulless system. (Sustana) Therefore Updike has written a story that includes key elements of myth along with the background of postwar prosperity and the attendan t consumer culture. Where there is a strong hint of the Cold War as hero characterRead MoreA P By John Updike1441 Words  | 6 PagesJohn Updike is considered one of the greatest writers in modern American history. He is known for the idea that seemingly ordinary aspects of American life are actually quite fascinating. He wanted readers to see the beauty and magic of life, so he tried to describe everyday things using the most clear but beautiful language possible. Many of Updike’s pieces are drawn from his own life such as his marriage and his boyhood, as shown in three of his short stories: â€Å"AP†, â€Å"Ace in the Hole†, and â€Å"PigeonRead More The Decline of Chivalry Explored in Araby and AP Essay1211 Words  | 5 Pageswin hearts of women for centuries. However, as society constantly changes, the effectiveness of these chivalrous acts has diminished. In James Joyce’s â€Å"Araby†and John Updike’s â€Å"AP†, this th eory is explored, both telling the story of a boy whose efforts to impress the girl of their desires fail. 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The Psychoanalytical criticism is used today in literature to help the audience understand human motivation through either the characters or the author itself. After all the author is the creator and should be considered in the analysis to find what the reader desires to know about the characters. In Psychoanalysis And Education : Minding A Gap the authors Linden West and Alan Bainbri dge provide the benefits that psychology provides to different people â€Å"Psychoanalysis, broadly defined
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Is There Anybody Out There. Drug Abuse Is A Major Problem
Is There Anybody Out There? Drug abuse is a major problem in the United States and throughout the world as more and more people become addicted every day. As Maia Salavitz points out, â€Å"Addiction is one of the most serious health problems we face today, and as of 2010, more than 23 million people have an addiction to drugs, and according to the National Institutes of Health, these addictions contribute to more than 100,000 deaths per year.†When you hear the words drug addict you think of a â€Å"junkie†or â€Å"crack head†, and when you see someone pan handling for money on the street, passed out, or swaying in a doorway you wonder why don’t they get help? Through my research, I hope to show what barriers people face when trying to seek the†¦show more content†¦According to results from the 2010 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), an estimated 2.4 million Americans used prescription drugs non-medically for the first time within the past year, which avera ges to approximately 6,600 initiates per day. This population would seek help if not for the fear and shame they feel about being labeled as a drug addict. These stigmas perpetuated by people believing that addiction is a character flaw or a sign of weakness can create such fear in a person that they won’t ever get the help they need. They worry about losing their jobs or family so opt to go without treatment despite the consequences to their health, which could even lead to death. In the â€Å"Addiction†article published by the Gale group it states that â€Å"According to the CDC, in 2013 more than sixteen thousand people died from prescription opioids, an increase of 50 percent in three years.†Addiction does not discriminate; it makes no distinction between a person’s age, sex, color, or financial situation. However, the fear one gets does and the stigma of addiction leaves many Americans unwilling to fund better treatment. Insurance plays a major role in whether or not a person can be treated for addiction. Even when insurance does cover treatment, there might not be an available treatment center or provider to help with your needs. An article written by Brandy Pugh in the National Center onShow MoreRelatedDrug Addiction : Today s Society945 Words  | 4 PagesDrug addiction is one major problem in today’s society. Really, every country faces such issues today. A ton of measures are taken to battle against medication misuse, and, certainly, a few improvements are obvious. Nonetheless, this issue is not dispensed with and, maybe, will never be. Today, Americans are losing their employments, families, and even their lives over the misuse. There are a considerable measure of legal drugs that Americans are dependent on, yet there are additionally a great dealRead MoreEssay about Drug Legalization1209 Words  | 5 Pages Drug Legalization Strong drug enforcement in the United States is correlated with the reduction in crime , drug use, and drug addiction growth rates. The impact on tougher drug sanctions has been overshadowed by a myth that U.S. drug enforcement has become too lenient. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This myth has been promoted by the multi-million dollar pro-drug legalization lobby, civil libertarians, and misguided academic researchers to the public with limited review and challenge. Attacks onRead MoreDrugs And Its Effects On Society893 Words  | 4 PagesDrugs are everywhere. There are many reasons why people turn to drugs, such as peer pressure, depression, and etc. Using drugs is a choice that many people decide to do. Drugs can get prescribed by people such as doctors and psychiatrists and those drugs can be used to help cure the body. Even with those prescribed drugs some like to abuse them, which can have a negative effect on our bodies and can lead to many different things. Things such as possibly going to jail, losing your job, ruin relationshipsRead MoreIs There Anybody Out There?. Maia Szalavitz, Author Of1484 Words  | 6 Pages Is There Anybody Out There? Maia Szalavitz, author of Unbroken Brain, points out in an article about our finger-pointing mentality on drug abuse, â€Å"Addiction is one of the most serious health problems we face today, and as of 2010, more than 23 million people have an addiction to drugs, and according to the National Institutes of Health, these addictions contribute to more than 100,000 deaths per year.†Drug abuse is a major problem in the United States and throughout the world as more and moreRead MoreEssay on Homeless in America825 Words  | 4 PagesBeds for Everybody One of the major issues nationally is people who are becoming homeless and the fact that one third of the homeless population have served this country, which is around 195,000 veterans. Thats more than the death count of the Vietnam war. Most homeless people are male about three percent are women, most are single and come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Its a major issue, this is America there should not be thousands of people across this nation that are homeless especiallyRead MoreWho Feels Grief?1779 Words  | 7 PagesLittle by little, hour by hour, day by day, people die. The people that die could be loved ones, strangers, friends, foes, just about anybody! Death is a terrible ordeal that one has to go through. Although people die every day the loss that someone feels changes them; as well as those they love, those they were close too, even those they don’t know. How can something that is so frequent effect people in tremendous days? Shouldn’t death be expe cted? Though people are always cautioned to expect theRead MoreEssay on The Drug Heroin1390 Words  | 6 PagesDrugs Drugs have been around for hundreds of years. Indians were known to have used Opium and other drugs for medical and various other purposes. During the 7th Century A.D. in China a drug emerged called Opium. Opium, the dry juice from immature seed pods of the opium poppy plant, is a narcotic drug that is very powerful in the relief of pain but is also very addictive. At the beginning Opium was like any other drug, but then people unaware of the harm it could cause began to useRead MoreThe Effects Of Substance Abuse On Children1443 Words  | 6 Pageslead to impairment or distress in many different ways such as, â€Å"recurrent substance use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home, recurrent substance use in situations in which it is physically hazardous, recurrent substance-related legal problems, continued substance use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of the substance†(Susic, 2007). 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People who have both bipolar disorder and an addiction are understood to have a â€Å"dual-diagnosis†or â€Å"genetic overlap†. Often, each condition can worsen the symptoms of the other; having both problems increases the risk of mood swings
Methodology Project Management
Question: Write about theMethodologyfor Project Management. Answer: Introduction Project Management is observed to be extensively used in some form or the other in various business sectors (Kerzner, 2013). This is mainly because making an effective use of the project management proves to be beneficial for the business organizations to clarify the goals and identify the problem areas and risk and it also assist in isolating the activities and monitoring the outcomes (Turner, 2014). Moreover, with the help of project management, the accountability can be enhanced since it helps in isolating the works and assigning the responsibilities in an efficient manner. Thus, on the basis of the aspects, project management can be defined as a temporary endeavour that is undertaken by the business organizations that follows a specific cycle of initiation, defining, planning, execution and close for the development of a unique product or service through effective coordination of human, material and financial resources. Thus, on the basis of the above aspects related to effective application of project management, the essay emphasizes upon the applying the project management methodologies in context to the Engineering and Construction Project Tender that has been received. Managing an Engineering and Construction Project is observed to be different from the management of the other projects. The differences that exist between these two type of projects generally stems from the nature and the characteristics of the engineering and the construction projects (Chen et al., 2009). So for the successful management of the construction, it is important on the part of the project manager to take into consideration the differences that exist between the nature and characteristic of the construction projects and the other projects. A construction projects is generally observed to be capital intensive and thus demands significant involvement of the management skills and effective coordination of the wide range of experts from different fields. The construction projects are generally undertaken outside and thus they are susceptible to many variables that include traffic and weather (Ghanem AbdelRazig, 2006). While undertaking the construction project, it is important on the part of the project manager to efficiently address the geography and conditions of the project site and relationship between the project and the environment in which it is being undertaken. The construction projects are also subject to variety of laws and regulations that strive towards ensuring the public safety and the minimizing the environmental impact. In comparison to the other industries, the construction projects demands intensive use of labor and it also consumes large amount of materials and physical tools. It has been observed that the management of construction projects has a lot in common with the management of the similar types of the projects and so the studies conducted by Burke, (2013) has put forward the fact that the much of the content of the PMBOK_Guide is directly applicable in case of the construction projects. However, even though it has been said that the management of construction projects is similar to the management of the other kind of projects in various aspects, construction project is characterized with certain peculiarities that differentiate the management of the construction project from the other projects like software development. As for example, in case of construction projects, the project managers are often changed from one phase to another phase. Thus in order to acknowledge the differences, Project Management Institute has provided a guide for effective management of the construction project i.e. The Construction Extension Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge 3rd edition. This guide put forward four additional knowledge areas that include the project safety management, project environmental management, project financial management and project claim management. As per the studies conducted by Larson Gray, (2011), it has been observed that the in a construction project, the major tasks that are involved include effective coordination of the professionals within the project team in order to enable them to put their best efforts to contribute towards the successful completion of the project. Moreover, it is also the fact that for effectively managing the construction projects, it is important to have an enhanced understanding of the design and construction processes in addition to the knowledge regarding the project m anagement and general management. In addition, the other major important aspects in context to effective management of the construction projects include the ability to communicate effectively and the ability to efficiently manage the team. As per the studies conducted by Meredith Mantel, (2011), it has been observed that the functions of project management in construction include specifying the objectives and plans of the project that include the preparing the project scope, budget and schedule, setting the performance requirements and selecting the participants of the project. Project management also helps in maximizing the effective utilization of the available resources by procuring the labor, materials and equipment as per the schedule and the plan that has been prescribed (Schwalbe, 2015). It also proves to be beneficial in implementing the operations through effective coordination and control of the planning, design, estimating, contracting and constructing activities through out the process of the construction and it assists in developing effective communication and mechanisms in order to resolve the conflicts among the construction project team members. In context to the Kerzners project Management, analysis of the chapter 5 i.e. the Management Functions revealed the fact that it deals with various aspects in project management that include the interpersonal influences on the project, the barriers to project team development and the ways in which the newly formed team can be handled (Turner, 2007). Thus, it provides the ways in which the project needs to follow the steps that include the planning, organizing, directing and controlling and with the help of these activities the project manager is responsible to ensure that the goals of the project has been accomplished. It provides the Douglas McGregor theory that proves to be beneficial in motivating the team members towards putting their efforts to achieve the goals of the project and proposes the Maslows Hierarchy of Needs of theory to motivate the team members to realize their needs and move up towards satisfying their higher level needs (Wysocki, 2011). So these aspects clearly a pply to the construction project and as per the analysis of the Chapter 5, it is observed that in case of projects like the construction project, one need to emphasize upon developing effective relationships in order to prevent chaos and this can also be achieved by clearly defining the goals and responsibilities of the team members (Kerzner, 2013). In addition to the above aspects, it is also important to efficiently conduct the human resource planning since the construction project is a labor intensive project. On the other hand, analysis of the Chapter 21, it is observed that it deals with the project management maturity model. The analysis reveals that it becomes important on the part of the organization to be mature enough to adopt the project management techniques to accomplish the project successfully (Kerzner, 2013). So, in this context, Kerzners PM Maturity Model strives towards describing the characteristics of each level of maturity that includes the risks, the roadblocks and the actions required for completing each level. As per the Kerzners PM Maturity Model, there are five levels that include the common language, the common processes, singular methodology, benchmarking and the continuous improvement. At the first level, i.e. common language, the organizations strive towards recognizing the importance of project management and need for gaining an understanding of the basic knowledge of the project management and its terminology (Cicmil, 2006). At the second level i.e. the common processes, the organizations strive towards recognizing the need for common processes and thus the organization emphasize upon making a concentrated effort for using project management and developing the processes and methodologies for supporting the effective use of project management. At the third level i.e. the singular methodology, the organizations strive towards developing singular methodologies rather than utilizing multiple methodologies in order to achieve synergy and process control (Cicmil et al., 2006). At the fourth level i.e. the benchmarking, the organizations strive towards performing the benchmarking on a regular basis against those practiced in similar and the other industries and them develops few selected critical success factors (Kerzner, 2011). At the fifth level, i.e. continuous improvement, the organizations strive towards evaluating the information learnt during the benchmarking process and thus implements that change that is necessary for improving the proj ect management process (Kerzner, 2013). So, the above aspects prove to be beneficial in efficiently managing the construction project. Moreover, for effective process of the project, there exist methodologies like PRINCE2 and PMBOK. The first process in project management is Starting Up a Project and it is done before initiating the project it is related to the Initiating Process group in the PMBOK Guide (Demir Kocaba?, 2010). This is the phase where the understanding is developed of several things, the reasons behind why the project has been undertaken and the ways in which the project fits in with the corporate strategies, the individuals who are involved in the decision making process and what would be outcomes of the project and how it would be achieved. So, in this phase the project brief is prepared and the team is appointed and the plan is developed. The project brief and the plan is forwarded to the project Board for approval and if the plan is seemed as sensible then the project is approved (Yeong, 2011). The decision in context to the project board authorizes the first stage for directing the project process and this is the only process that carried out by the project board. The next phase is project initiation and in this phase, a detailed planning work is carried out. The main output of the project Initiation Documentation that is not dissimilar to the project management plan in the PMBOk Guide (Matos Lopes, 2013). It puts forward the strategies to manage the issues, changes, risks, communication and configuration together with the project plan and detailed business case. Thus, it can be said that the PID is characterized with everything that is required for the project board for taking decision of whether to authorize the project or not. The project manager emphasizes upon performing the Managing s Stage Boundary Process before moving on to the next stage of the project and it is performed at the end of the each project stage except the final stage of the project (McHugh Hogan, 2011). Moreover, this is the phase where the project manager strives towards revising the project plan and the business case and prepares the End Stage Report. Once the project and next stage has been authorized by the board, controlling phase is carried out and this phase is managed by the Project Manager who tends to manage the risks, issues and manages the work done by the teams and progress is reported to the Project Board and thus takes any corrective actions (Jamali Oveisi, 2016). In parallel to the above process, the Team Managers strive towards Managing the product Delivery process and this is the phase where the product of the project is specified by the clients are developed and tested and where required the product is handed over to the client. So, in this context, it can be said that PRINCE2 emphasizes upon providing a brief description to the project management processes that need to be performed and it does not focus upon the development processes (Karaman Kurt, 2015). So, this refers to the fact that the Team Manager strive towards managing the development work of the team by using the agile approaches that include the SCRUM and this is fitted easily within the PRINCE2 model. The controlling stage of the project and the Managing Product Delivery Processes are integrated in order to execute, monitor and control the process groups in the PMBOK Guide. Conclusion Thus from the above discussions, it can be inferred that since the construction projects are different in various aspects from the other projects, the stages proposed by the PMBOK and PRINCE2 should be followed efficiently to achieve the desired outcomes of the project. References Burke, R. (2013). Project management: planning and control techniques.New Jersey, USA. Chen, P., Partington, D., Qiang, a. M. (2009). Cross-cultural understanding of construction project managers' conceptions of their work. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 135(6), 477-487. Cicmil, S. (2006). Understanding project management practice through interpretative and critical research perspectives. Project Management Institute. Cicmil, S., Williams, T., Thomas, J., Hodgson, D. (2006). Rethinking project management: researching the actuality of projects.International Journal of Project Management,24(8), 675-686. Demir, C., Kocaba?, ?. (2010). Project management maturity model (PMMM) in educational organizations.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,9, 1641-1645. Ghanem, A. G., AbdelRazig, Y. A. (2006). A framework for real-time construction project progress tracking. InEarth Space 2006: Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environment(pp. 1-8). Jamali, G., Oveisi, M. (2016). A Study on Project Management Based on PMBOK and PRINCE2.Modern Applied Science,10(6), 142. Karaman, E., Kurt, M. (2015). Comparison of project management methodologies: prince 2 versus PMBOK for it projects.International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Research,4(4), 572-579. 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